FO Designer, WYSIWYG tool based on the Eclipse platform for report generation.
J4L FO Designer is a visual editor to create XSL-FO files to be used with APEX (version 3, 4 and 5). The benefits of FO Designer are:
- No need to learn XSL-FO.
- Compatible with Apache FOP and Oracle Data REST Services/Apex Listener.
- Easy to use and learn.
- Increased productivity through integrated design and test environment.
- Extended FOP functionality
Possible use cases are
- PDF publishing in several products as Oracle APEX or Apache Cocoon.
- Conversion of XML documents to PDF in integration tools like Oracle BPEL,SAP PI or ESB Mule.
- Generation of PDF files in web applications using AJAX.
- As a generic reporting tool in Java, classes can be converted to XML and to PDF.
- In eBusiness scenarios to collect data from business partners using PDF forms.
A good starting point is the learn by doing tutorial in our User Guide or watching this 5 minutes introduction video.