It is a list of tasks organized in 2 columns, with the task name and
the employee assign to the task.
The layout of the report is:
- there is a detail area which will contain 2 task name fields (2
columns). Therefore the area will need to be repeated for every second
task. The Xpath to achieve this is:
ROWSET/ROW[position() mod 2 = 1]
This will select every second „ROW“ element in the XML
- In the area there are 2 TaskName field. The Xpath of the fields are:
- TASK_NAME : to select the TASK_NAME field in the current ROW node
- TASK_NAME/../following-sibling::ROW/TASK_NAME: to select
the TASK_NAME field in the next ROW after the currently selected ROW
(this will be the second column)
the XPATH expression means: - select current TASK_NAME
- use the /../ to select the parent node (the ROW node)
- following-sibling::ROW: will select the next ROW
- /TASK_NAME selects the field in the ROW